October 19

Radyr Women’s Institute Cardiff Speaker

By AfterDinnerSpeaker

October 19, 2023

after dinner speaker, Cardiff Speaker, public speaker, public speaking, W.I., W.I. Cardiff, Womens Institute South Wales

" Thank you very much for your talk on "Words" last night. Our members enjoyed it very much . Great meeting you. " 

As Summer came to an end I had a longstanding invitation to speak at Radyr W.I. at the Old Church Rooms in Radyr.

On a lovely warm evening I made my way to the venue and was greeted by an immaculate group of ladies who it was an absolute pleasure to meet.

The welcome was second to none and the speech I delivered was well received.

What an outstanding group this was and I cannot help but wish them a wonderful Christmas season and a fabulous 2024.

If you are looking for a speaker for your society or event then why not contact me here.


About the author

Kevan is an after-dinner speaker, compere and host.

He is available for sporting, charitable and corporate dinners/events, and occasions, and available to work in South Wales, the South of England, London and other regions by arrangement.

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