November 10

Plaza Hotel Sports Lunch Cardiff

By AfterDinnerSpeaker

November 10, 2022

after dinner speaker, colin metson, compere, cricket dinner, public speaker, public speaking, sporting dinners, sporting lunch

It looked for a while back at the end of 2021 that things were opening up again.

This was an event in the Plaza Hotel, Cardiff where I was invited to compere the afternoon for a National Welsh Sporting Charity.

The gentleman I interviewed was ex-professional cricketer Colin Metson who played very successfully for both Middlesex and Glamorgan and continues to make his home here in Wales.

He is currently the CEO of WABA – the Welsh Amateur Boxing Association.

It was a great day and lovely to be back out and about – but once again the pandemic raised it’s ugly head and everywhere had to shut up shop.

Better luck in 2022. We can all look forward to that!!


About the author

Kevan is an after-dinner speaker, compere and host.

He is available for sporting, charitable and corporate dinners/events, and occasions, and available to work in South Wales, the South of England, London and other regions by arrangement.

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